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香港教育大学(The Education University of Hong Kong,简称港教大)是香港八所公立大学中唯一的师范类大学也是香港具领导地位的师范类高等学府。港教大设有研究生院及三个学院,分别为教育及人类发展学院、人文学院和博文及社会科学学院。

在众多学科中,教育类专业是港教大最具特色的专业。在 QS 世界大学学科排名中,港教大在教育领域位列亚洲第3名和全球第9名。其教育类专业下设有11个分支,此外还设有教育心理学,对外汉语教育等专业可供选择。当然,除了教育专业外,公共政策与管理也是港教大的优势学科。



• MA Teaching Chinese as an International Language

• MA Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages


• MA Education for Sustainability

• MA Mathematics and Pedagogy

• MA Personal Finance Education

• MA STEM Education

• MA Visual Arts Education and Creative Practice

• Master of Public Policy and Management

• MSc Artificial Intelligence and Educational Technology

• MSocSc Sports Coaching and Management

• MA Child and Family Education

• MA Digital Learning and Technology

• MA Educational Counselling

• MA Leading Experiential Learning Activities

• MA Positive Psychology in Education

• MSc Educational Speech-Language Pathology and Learning Disabilitie

• MSocSc Psychology (Schools and Community Settings)

• Master of Teaching(仅适用于CUD和LTCLL方向)

• MA Global Histories of Education


• MA Leading Innovative Learning Organizations





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