几何留学 2020-09-29 13:34:51 2849





  • 这项提案将把大多数国际学生的签证期限限制在四年,结束了长期以来自动允许大学生留在美国的做法。目前,F -1签证有效期长,一般为5年有效,持该签证一旦进入美国,只要保持注册学生身份,居留期可长达8年。

  • 如果学生来自43个国家中的任何一个,签证期限将限制为两年。这43个被严重限制的国家大多数在非洲。据悉,获得美国签证的非洲人中,有很大一部分人在美国停留的时间超过了签证允许的时间。

  • 尼日利亚、伊拉克、埃塞俄比亚和菲律宾的学生签证持有者还会受到额外限制。

  • 如果学生来自伊朗、朝鲜、叙利亚或苏丹这四个被美国认为支持恐怖主义的国家之一,签证有效期也将被限制为2年。

  • 学生签证有效期结束后,国际学生可以申请延长签证,但该提案将大幅收紧对签证延期的申请要求。


国土安全部发布的“规则制定建议通知”拟取消F(外国学生)、J(交流访问学者)和I(外国媒体代表)类签证目前实行的“身份持续时间”(Duration of Status)制。

按照目前这种制度,这类签证持有者只要维持该身份不变,就可以一直在美国境内停留而无须申请续签。新规定为这三种签证设立了固定的准许停留期以及申请延长签证的程序。并提出 "鼓励遵守计划、减少欺诈和加强国家安全 "的目标。

此举将改变目前的政策,即只要这些访客遵守 "入境条款",就可以留下来。该提案将允许国际学生和交流访问者在美国停留,直到他们的项目结束,不会超过四年。






  • 外国人出生的国家在“支持恐怖主义的国家”的名单上或拥有这个国家的国籍;

  • 学校或项目赞助者是否是信誉良好的电子验证E-Verify参与者;









DHS Proposes to Change Admission Period Structure for F, J and I Nonimmigrants

Release Date: 

September 24, 2020

WASHINGTON—The Department of Homeland Security has announced a proposed rule to require a fixed period of stay for international students, exchange visitors and foreign information media representatives to encourage program compliance, reduce fraud and enhance national security.

The Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Establishing a Fixed Time Period of Admission and an Extension of Stay Procedure for Nonimmigrant Academic Students, Exchange Visitors and Representatives of Foreign Information Media, proposes to remove the duration of status framework that currently allows aliens in F, J and I classifications to remain in the United States for as long as they maintain compliance with the terms of admission.

“This effort would create a fixed time period of admission for certain aliens, consistent with most other temporary visa classifications, while still allowing these aliens an opportunity to legally extend their stay or re-apply for admission where appropriate,” said Senior Official Performing the Duties of the Deputy Secretary Ken Cuccinelli. “Amending the relevant regulations is critical in improving program oversight mechanisms; preventing foreign adversaries from exploiting the country’s education environment; and properly enforcing and strengthening U.S. immigration laws.”

Under the proposed rule, F or J nonimmigrants would be admitted into the United States for a period up to the end date of their program, not to exceed four years, unless DHS determines that the nonimmigrant is subject to a shorter period of authorized stay limited to two years. Aliens from countries associated with high visa overstay rates (rates greater than 10% for student and exchange visitors) will be limited to up to a two-year fixed period of stay to increase monitoring, deter immigration violations and incentivize timely departure.

Additional factors that may trigger a two-year period of authorized stay include an alien’s birth or citizenship from a country on the State Sponsors of Terrorism list; whether a school or program sponsor is an E-Verify participant in good standing; and, for F nonimmigrants, whether a school is accredited by an accrediting agency recognized by the Secretary of Education. Lawfully present F or J nonimmigrants who were admitted for duration of status will automatically have their stay extended up to the program end date, not to exceed four years, once the final rule is effective. 

DHS has proposed initially admitting most I nonimmigrants for a period of time necessary to complete the planned activities or assignments consistent with the I classification, not to exceed 240 days, with an opportunity to extend their stay for a maximum of 240 days based on the length of relevant activities.

Other updates found in the proposed rule include decreasing an F nonimmigrant’s period to prepare for departure from 60 to 30 days; collecting routine biometrics from F, J and I nonimmigrants seeking an extension of stay; establishing clear eligibility criteria for F nonimmigrants seeking an extension of stay; and defining a foreign media organization consistent with U.S. Department of State and DHS policy.

The significant growth of the F, J and I visa programs has necessitated this proposed update to ensure the integrity of the U.S. immigration system, but this rule does not propose changes to the underlying requirements to qualify for these nonimmigrant classifications.











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